Slot Machines - Relax and Relieve


Whenever you hear the term slot machine, you might imagine something mechanical and solitary, but in fact, you can play this game in a variety of settings, from a game room to a bar. These games are designed to entertain, but are also often used as a way to relax and relieve tension.


Several European authorities have announced alleviation measures for airport slots. Some countries are suspending their “use-it-or-lose-it” rules, while others are implementing travel restrictions.

The European Airport Slot Coordinators Association (EUACA) is calling for changes to slot rules. It has suggested the Commission should reinstate its 80:20 rule for the winter 2022/2023 season. The 80:20 rule requires airlines to use 80% of their slot sequences, or risk losing slots for the following season. This rule was suspended after the SARS outbreak, but is expected to be reinstated.

The European Commission has proposed an interim regulation to provide temporary relief from slot utilization rules in the EU. The proposal would also include provisions related to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Slot rule suspensions will add extra challenges to slot coordinators. Most airlines are operating with less than three months of liquidity. This means they may be unable to comply with the rules.